About BCP Personalised Skincare

November 14, 2018

About BCP Personalised Skincare

A glaring disparity

As both pharmacists and industrially-trained cosmetics formulators, it was clear to us that there was a massive gap between the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sciences, a gap in both thought and approach.

While both schools require the formulation of products to meet consumer requirements, pharmaceutical science centres around ingredient effects and the evidence for those effects, while cosmetic science is based purely on marketing and presentation.

Pharmaceutical science often only focuses on disorders and their treatment, but what about the maintenance of healthy skin?

On the other hand cosmetic-aisle products often claim to care for your skin, but the industry requires products to be both profitable and to have a shelf-life of two years, necessitating the inclusion of cheap petroleum-based ingredients, as well as preservatives and chemical stabilisers. Many of these may be detrimental to one’s skin or even one’s health. Similarly, for reasons of product differentiation, cosmetic marketing requires the addition of unnecessary colours and fragrances—and these chemicals are some of the most allergenic and dubiously safe ingredients in the entire formulator’s recipe book.

Our approach

Formulated exclusively for you!

First, we introduced our custom skin and hair care product personalisation service: personal care products are designed and made by our industrially-certified formulating pharmacists to suit an individual’s needs. This service continues, with great interest from people who care about their skin and its health. The most common products we make include moisturisers, gentle skin cleansers, exfoliating scrubs, and shampoos and conditioners to suit a range of hair types.

Yet we wanted to redefine skincare products to optimally achieve and maintain skin health. This meant that our skincare products should contain as few all-natural ingredients as possible, and every ingredient should possess good scientific evidence for its health benefits. Nothing would be included where even a suggestion that that it might cause harm existed. Our skincare products would have an optimal pH – the same acidity as healthy skin.

Then an idea occurred to us to take our goal a step further… an idea as old as the profession of pharmacy itself: custom-made all-natural skincare products, crafted while you wait.

The BCP Skincare System

We designed an easy four-step process to help you design an all-natural hyaluronate-based moisturiser best suited for your skin and needs.

  1. Choose one of four moisturiser bases depending on your skin type and need;
  2. Choose vitamin additives for their health effects;
  3. Choose a natural, organic oil for benefits that suit your skin;
  4. Choose a quantity that suits your level of use.

These products are minimally preserved (and we can make them preservative free on request), giving them a three-month shelf life.

We believe your skin will be enhanced in a way that you have never seen before.

We call this service the BCP Custom Skincare system (click to learn more).

If you are looking for a custom-made moisturiser, consider our BCP Custom Skincare range: an easy 4-step approach to personalised skincare. You can order online today or come into our pharmacy for a FREE UV skin analysis. Our skin consultant can see what is happening underneath your skin and recommend the vitamins and oils suited for your skin type. Book Now.

 Border Compounding Pharmacy products are unique, because they are formulated by pharmacists.

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